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For companies that want to win the future


Get ready to win in the AI world of today and tomorrow


Why US?

With AI Workshop powered by DG180 you will know what your next steps are - and how you and your company will be able to win in the AI powered world.


  1. We understand the changing business landscape.

  2. We understand the technology behind AI.

  3. We are experts in strategy, business, growth, turnaround and pivot. 


Our Managing Partner, Darko Butina, wrote the book about the topic (Management in AI powered world - see below) and he will also be the one to lead the "AI workshop - helping you win in AI world".

We first organize the discovery discussion with the CEO. Then we gather relevant inputs for the workshop, such as company details, proprietary data available, digitalization and AI readiness score and any identified AI related scenarios of the company.


After we gather all the required inputs, we facilitate a half-day workshop with key people from your company. During the workshop we jointly develop strategic scenarios and identify the most promising one.


When the workshop is over and you receive the final report and presentation from us, you will understand how AI can transform your business and how you should guide your company through the process.

Zebra Crossing

Our Services


Written by Darko Butina, Managing Partner at DG180

In the book Darko explains the role of CEOs in the new AI powered world of tomorrow. He shows you how to prepare yourself, as a manager, and your company for success in the AI powered world.

Darko also provides answers to questions like: "What do you, as a CEO, need to do today?", and "How can you lead your company into AI powered world of tomorrow?"

Besides the above the book introduces novel strategic approach called Compleximplicity – strategy framework for succeeding in AI powered world.

Book Management in AI powered world
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